Hello world. Again.
I've decided to go back to my roots and blog again. This blog will include rants, tutorials, thoughts, prayers, and good old fashioned Bwana for you to enjoy.
Why did I stop?
Well, in a word: Wordpress. My old site, Bwana.org, was pharma hacked into the ground and it pretty much ruined years of work to build SEO. After almost a full year of attempting to clean it and/or restore it, I finally gave up and scrapped the whole thing. It took a bit for Google (and other crawlers) to realize my articles were not actually viagra ads.
So for this new beginning, I've opted to use Grav. I'm a fan of flat file blogging systems, and Grav seems to be at the top of the list. I do have my gripes about some of their design systems, but I've found suitable workarounds for now and I'm fairly confident, I will not be pharma hacked this time around.
So thanks for being here, and I look forward to writing about things again. Woo!